Dividends for Dechra Pharmaceuticals in 2024 (Updated Date)
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Dechra Pharmaceuticals
Price 0.00GBP
0.00 (0.00%)
Dividend Yield 0.00%
Payout Ratio 0.00%
Dividend Growth 0 years
ISIN GB0009633180
Ticker DPH
Index FTSE100
Updated: (UTC)

Dechra Pharmaceuticals Dividends

Time for the next dividend:
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Dividend/share amount Ex-dividend Date Payment Date Dividend Yield
Next Dividend £0.125 3/9/23 4/13/23 N/A
Last Dividend £0.3289 10/27/22 11/18/22 N/A

Dechra Pharmaceuticals Dividend Calendar

Event Day
Last trading date March 8, 2023
Ex-date March 9, 2023
Record date March 10, 2023
Payable date April 13, 2023

*Dividend data confirmed by the company

Dechra Pharmaceuticals FAQ

Dechra Pharmaceuticals has decided to pay a dividend of £0.125 per share, which implies a yield of 0.00%.

Dechra Pharmaceuticals announces that April 13, 2023 will be the day when shareholders, who maintain their shares until March 8, 2023, will receive £0.125 per share.

The latest dividend from Dechra Pharmaceuticals, which had a yield of 0.00%, was £0.3289 per share and was credited on November 18, 2022.

Since Dechra Pharmaceuticals does not make dividend payments, there is no dividend yield to report.

In the last fiscal year, Dechra Pharmaceuticals did not distribute dividends, which is reflected in its payout ratio of 0.00%.

Dechra Pharmaceuticals has only been paying dividends for one year, so it cannot be considered to have a growing dividend.