Grupa Kety Dividends
Dividend/share amount | Ex-dividend Date | Payment Date | Dividend Yield | |
Next Dividend | N/A | N/A | N/A |
N/A |
Last Dividend | zł55.41 | 8/20/24 | N/A | N/A |
The next Grupa Kety dividend is expected soon, leave us your email to let you know.
Grupa Kety dividend history
Ex-Date | Amount | Variation | Div. Yield |
2024 | zł55.41 | 11.34% | 7.38% |
8/20/24 | zł55.41 | 7.38% | |
2023 | zł62.5 | 19.34% | 9.48% |
8/21/23 | zł62.5 | 9.48% | |
2022 | zł52.369999 | 17.50% | 9.72% |
7/8/22 | zł52.369999 | 9.72% | |
2021 | zł44.57 | 27.38% | 7.44% |
5/28/21 | zł44.57 | 7.44% | |
2020 | zł34.989998 | 46.22% | 8.14% |
9/18/20 | zł34.989998 | 8.14% | |
2019 | zł23.93 | 0.04% | 7.79% |
8/21/19 | zł23.93 | 7.79% | |
2018 | zł23.940001 | 20.20% | 7.60% |
6/25/18 | zł23.940001 | 7.60% | |
2017 | zł3 | 125.39% | 7.41% |
8/23/17 | zł30 | 7.41% | |
2016 | zł13.31 | 7.63% | 4.33% |
7/14/16 | zł13.31 | 4.33% | |
2015 | zł14.41 | 44.10% | 4.81% |
7/15/15 | zł14.41 | 4.81% | |
2014 | zł1 | 66.67% | 4.45% |
7/15/14 | zł10 | 4.45% | |
2013 | zł6 | 20.00% | 4.00% |
7/15/13 | zł6 | 4.00% | |
2012 | zł5 | 25.00% | 4.18% |
7/10/12 | zł5 | 4.18% | |
2011 | zł4 | 0.00% | 3.20% |
7/8/11 | zł4 | 3.20% | |
2010 | zł4 | 11.11% | 3.88% |
7/12/10 | zł4 | 3.88% | |
2008 | zł4.5 | 12.50% | 6.04% |
7/11/08 | zł4.5 | 6.04% | |
2007 | zł4 | 0.00% | 2.00% |
6/8/07 | zł4 | 2.00% | |
2006 | zł4 | 33.33% | 3.08% |
5/25/06 | zł4 | 3.08% | |
2004 | zł3 | 50.00% | 2.46% |
5/28/04 | zł3 | 2.46% | |
2003 | zł2 | 100.00% | 2.40% |
6/11/03 | zł2 | 2.40% | |
2002 | zł1 | 2.34% | |
7/18/02 | zł1 | 2.34% |
Grupa Kety Dividend Analysis
Grupa Kety FAQ
Currently, Grupa Kety does not issue dividends, as it prioritizes the reinvestment of its earnings to expand and improve the company.
For 2024, the company Grupa Kety has not defined a date for dividend payment.
Grupa Kety paid out its latest dividend at zł55.41 per share, corresponding to a yield of 0.00%.
As part of its dividend strategy, Grupa Kety makes the payment in the month of August, each year.
Grupa Kety (KTY) showed a dividend yield of 9.48% last year, with an average of 8.51% over the last five years and 7.12% over the last decade.
With a payout ratio of 109.08%, Grupa Kety distributes more in dividends than it earns, which is not sustainable.
For 14 years, Grupa Kety has maintained consistent growth in its dividends for 4 years. The dividend growth in the last year was 19.34%.