JD Sports Fashion Dividends
Dividend/share amount | Ex-dividend Date | Payment Date | Dividend Yield | |
Next Dividend | N/A | N/A | N/A |
N/A |
Last Dividend | £0.6 | 6/13/24 | N/A | N/A |
The next JD Sports Fashion dividend is expected soon, leave us your email to let you know.
JD Sports Fashion dividend history
Ex-Date | Amount | Variation | Div. Yield |
2024 | £0.6 | 38.14% | 0.49% |
6/13/24 | £0.6 | 0.49% | |
2023 | £0.97 | 102.08% | 0.64% |
12/7/23 | £0.3 | 0.18% | |
7/6/23 | £0.67 | 0.49% | |
2022 | £0.48 | 66.67% | 0.39% |
12/8/22 | £0.13 | 0.11% | |
7/7/22 | £0.35 | 0.29% | |
2021 | £0.288 | 16.28% | 0.16% |
6/24/21 | £0.288 | 0.16% | |
2019 | £0.344 | 4.88% | 0.25% |
11/28/19 | £0.056 | 0.04% | |
6/27/19 | £0.288 | 0.24% | |
2018 | £0.328 | 5.13% | 0.40% |
11/29/18 | £0.054 | 0.07% | |
6/28/18 | £0.274 | 0.32% | |
2017 | £0.312 | 4.70% | 0.43% |
11/30/17 | £0.052 | 0.08% | |
6/22/17 | £0.26 | 0.33% | |
2016 | £0.298 | 4.93% | 0.50% |
12/1/16 | £0.05 | 0.08% | |
6/23/16 | £0.248 | 0.47% | |
2015 | £0.284 | 4.22% | 0.83% |
12/3/15 | £0.048 | 0.12% | |
6/25/15 | £0.236 | 0.85% | |
2014 | £0.2725 | 3.02% | 1.48% |
12/4/14 | £0.046 | 0.24% | |
5/7/14 | £0.2265 | 1.31% | |
2013 | £0.2645 | 3.73% | 2.46% |
12/4/13 | £0.0445 | 0.34% | |
5/8/13 | £0.22 | 2.66% | |
2012 | £0.255 | 9.44% | 3.26% |
11/28/12 | £0.043 | 0.59% | |
5/2/12 | £0.212 | 2.54% | |
2011 | £0.233 | 25.95% | 2.89% |
11/30/11 | £0.041 | 0.58% | |
5/4/11 | £0.192 | 2.12% | |
2010 | £0.185 | 51.64% | 2.30% |
12/1/10 | £0.038 | 0.48% | |
5/5/10 | £0.147 | 1.80% | |
2009 | £0.122 | 34.07% | 2.65% |
12/2/09 | £0.033 | 0.63% | |
5/6/09 | £0.089 | 2.22% | |
2008 | £0.091 | 24.66% | 3.22% |
12/3/08 | £0.031 | 1.41% | |
5/7/08 | £0.06 | 1.73% | |
2007 | £0.073 | 4.29% | 1.54% |
12/5/07 | £0.025 | 0.63% | |
5/9/07 | £0.048 | 0.86% | |
2006 | £0.07 | 4.48% | 2.33% |
12/6/06 | £0.024 | 0.79% | |
5/10/06 | £0.046 | 1.55% | |
2005 | £0.067 | 14.73% | 2.81% |
12/7/05 | £0.023 | 0.89% | |
5/18/05 | £0.044 | 2.01% | |
2004 | £0.0584 | 37.61% | 2.87% |
12/8/04 | £0.022 | 1.12% | |
5/19/04 | £0.0364 | 1.73% | |
2003 | £0.0936 | 20.00% | 5.51% |
12/10/03 | £0.0286 | 1.77% | |
7/23/03 | £0.0364 | 2.01% | |
1/22/03 | £0.0286 | 1.71% | |
2002 | £0.078 | 13.04% | 2.93% |
9/18/02 | £0.052 | 2.17% | |
1/16/02 | £0.026 | 0.89% | |
2001 | £0.069 | 15.00% | 2.44% |
9/5/01 | £0.046 | 1.53% | |
1/8/01 | £0.023 | 0.87% | |
2000 | £0.06 | 66.67% | 3.66% |
9/4/00 | £0.04 | 2.43% | |
1/10/00 | £0.02 | 1.22% | |
1999 | £0.036 | 52.63% | 3.05% |
8/23/99 | £0.036 | 3.05% | |
1998 | £0.076 | 111.11% | 8.84% |
12/29/98 | £0.02 | 4.12% | |
7/20/98 | £0.036 | 4.44% | |
2/2/98 | £0.02 | 1.56% | |
1997 | £0.036 | 1.47% | |
6/9/97 | £0.036 | 1.47% |
JD Sports Fashion Dividend Analysis
JD Sports Fashion FAQ
Currently, JD Sports Fashion does not offer dividends, as its earnings are reinvested to support future expansions and improvements.
No specific date has been set for dividend payment by JD Sports Fashion in 2024.
JD Sports Fashion paid out its latest dividend at £0.6 per share, corresponding to a yield of 0.00%.
Following a semiannual pattern, JD Sports Fashion distributes dividends in July and December.
As JD Sports Fashion does not distribute dividends, a dividend yield cannot be calculated.
In the last fiscal year, JD Sports Fashion's payout ratio reached 13.55%, reflecting that profits are adequate to pay the dividend.
JD Sports Fashion has only been paying dividends for one year, so it cannot be considered to have a growing dividend.