Panevezio Statybos Trestas Dividends
Dividend/share amount | Ex-dividend Date | Payment Date | Dividend Yield | |
Next Dividend | N/A | N/A | N/A |
N/A |
Last Dividend | €0.03 | 5/13/20 | N/A | N/A |
The next Panevezio Statybos Trestas dividend is expected soon, leave us your email to let you know.
Panevezio Statybos Trestas dividend history
Ex-Date | Amount | Variation | Div. Yield |
2020 | €0.03 | 50.00% | 4.88% |
5/13/20 | €0.03 | 4.88% | |
2018 | €0.06 | 7.69% | 6.52% |
5/11/18 | €0.06 | 6.52% | |
2017 | €0.065 | 305.67% | 6.64% |
5/5/17 | €0.065 | 6.64% | |
2016 | €0.016023 | 35.91% | 1.67% |
5/11/16 | €0.016023 | 1.67% | |
2013 | €0.025 | 64.29% | 2.34% |
5/8/13 | €0.025 | 2.34% | |
2011 | €0.07 | 0.00% | 3.91% |
5/5/11 | €0.07 | 3.91% | |
2010 | €0.07 | 0.00% | 1.63% |
5/17/10 | €0.07 | 1.63% | |
2009 | €0.07 | 69.57% | 3.41% |
5/27/09 | €0.07 | 3.41% | |
2008 | €0.23 | 35.29% | 2.42% |
4/23/08 | €0.23 | 2.42% | |
2007 | €0.17 | 394.19% | 1.06% |
5/9/07 | €0.17 | 1.06% | |
2005 | €0.0344 | 0.51% | |
4/15/05 | €0.0344 | 0.51% |
Panevezio Statybos Trestas Dividend Analysis
Panevezio Statybos Trestas FAQ
Panevezio Statybos Trestas does not currently pay dividends, as it prefers to use its earnings for internal investments and growth.
The company Panevezio Statybos Trestas has not set a date for dividend payment during 2024.
The last dividend distribution from Panevezio Statybos Trestas reached €0.03 per share, with a yield of 0.00%.
The absence of dividend distribution in Panevezio Statybos Trestas means there is no dividend yield.
Since Panevezio Statybos Trestas did not make dividend payments in the last fiscal year, its payout ratio remains at 0.00%.
With only one year of dividend payment history, Panevezio Statybos Trestas does not yet allow determining if its dividends are increasing.